Big data has become a fundamental tool for businesses across a wide range of industries. This is especially true within marketing departments, where big data can be responsible for informing the team on key customer behaviours and industry trends.
With this knowledge, marketers are then armed with data that allows them to make informed decisions on future campaigns to ensure that they are received in the best possible way by the target audience.

What is Big Data?
Big data does not just mean “more” data. It means there is so much data, that is mixed, unstructured, and accumulating at such a fast pace that it becomes impossible for traditional techniques and software, such as Excel, to process it. (Did you know, internet users generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day?) The most widely used way to understand big data is in terms of the FOUR V’s (also sometimes known as the three V’s); Volume, Variety, Velocity, and Veracity. These are all explained in more detail throughout this guide.
When getting to grips with big data it’s very easy to become overwhelmed and lost in pages upon pages full of techie jargon and explanations that simply go over the heads of those of us who didn’t study IT.
So that's why, in this free guide, we attempt to break it down into something that is easy-to-digest and marketer-friendly.
In the guide we'll cover the following topics:
- What is big data?
- What is the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it relates to big data
- The 3 types of big data
- The benefits of big data
- The challenges of big data
- How to get started with utilising big data in your marketing strategy
So, if you're ready to jump straight into your Big Data Bootcamp for Marketers then click here or the button below: