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The Pros and Cons of Big Data

7 min read
Aug 15, 2024

It’s fair to say that most organizations make use of big data. And that’s probably because every department in a company benefits from the insights it can provide. Big data offers unparalleled opportunities for detailed analysis and informed and improved decision-making, however it also comes with its own set of challenges. Understanding the pros and cons of big data is crucial for any organization looking to leverage its full potential. In this blog, we’ll explore what big data actually is, the pros and cons of big data and the tools you can use to manage and analyze it. 

What is big data? 

As the name suggests, big data refers to the massive volumes of data generated at high speeds from various sources such as social media, sensors, transactional records, and more. This data is characterized by its three V's: volume, velocity, and variety.

  • Volume: The amount of data generated every second is staggering. From user-generated content on social media to transactional data from e-commerce sites, the volume of data being produced is huge. 
  • Velocity: The speed at which data is generated and processed is equally important. Data flows in at an unprecedented rate and needs to be dealt with in near real-time to derive actionable insights.
  • Variety: Data comes in many forms - structured data like databases or unstructured data like text and images, and semi-structured data like JSON files. This diversity requires sophisticated tools and techniques to be able to manage and analyze all types effectively. 


The 3Vs of big data: Volume, velocity, variety. The pros and cons of big data. Hurree.


What’s the difference between structured and unstructured data?

As mentioned above, big data is typically categorized as structured, semi-structured or unstructured. 

Structured data is highly organized and easily searchable, typically stored in relational databases with rows and columns, such as customer information or financial records. Examples include CSV or Excel files. 

Semi-structured data, on the other hand, does not conform to a rigid structure but still contains tags or markers to separate data elements, making it more flexible yet still somewhat organized; examples include XML files and JSON documents. 

Unstructured data lacks a predefined format, making it the most complex to analyze; this type includes text files, emails, videos, social media posts, and other multimedia content. Unstructured data is the most abundant and usually accounts for 80-90% of data

Each data type requires different approaches and tools for effective management and analysis, contributing to the comprehensive landscape of big data analytics. 


How big is big data? 

Research shows that we are generating almost 12 times more data today than we were 10 years ago. This isn’t surprising when you think about how digital has advanced over the past decade with the growth of data-generating devices, the Internet of Things (IoT), and peoples’ ever-increasing dependence on, and utilization of, AI.  

To try and put it into perspective, every minute, the following occurs online: 

  • 5.9 million Google searches happen
  • Instagram users share 66,000 photos
  • Facebook users post 1.7 million pieces of content
  • People send 231.4 million emails
  • Amazon shoppers spend $443,000


Number of internet of things (IoT) connected devices worldwide in 2018, 2025 & 2030. The pros and cons of big data. Hurree.


The pros of big data 

As of 2024, the influence of big data and AI on business success is more evident than ever. According to a recent report by Wavestone, 92.1% of Fortune 1000 companies are realizing measurable business benefits from their big data and AI initiatives. 

Here are some of the main benefits of utilizing big data:

Optimized customer experience: The most valuable asset of any business is undoubtedly its customers. Leveraging big data enables businesses to delve into advanced analytics, allowing for the creation of personalized offers, communications, and experiences tailored specifically for their customer base. Big data is generated from various sources, including CRM systems, social media, and email transactions, so by identifying touchpoints, pain points, and trends, businesses can effectively segment their market and personalize experiences. This not only builds customer loyalty and enhances relationships but also significantly improves overall customer satisfaction. Ultimately, the insights gained from big data empower businesses to meet and exceed customer expectations, fostering long-term loyalty and driving business success.


Increased productivity: One of the significant advantages of big data when used effectively is its potential to boost productivity within an organization. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, businesses can automate routine tasks, streamline operations, and optimize workflows. Big data provides valuable insights that enable companies to identify inefficiencies, predict maintenance needs, and make informed decisions quickly. For instance, predictive analytics can forecast demand, allowing for better inventory management and reducing downtime. Real-time data analysis also helps teams respond faster to market changes and customer needs, enhancing overall agility. The ability to access and analyze large datasets empowers employees to focus on strategic, value-added activities rather than time-consuming manual processes. Ultimately, big data not only improves operational efficiency but also fosters innovation, driving sustained growth and competitive advantage.



Source: G2


Improved decision-making: Competitive edge and growth are the two main wins that businesses achieve when they optimize their decision-making. Big data significantly enhances decision-making processes within organizations by providing access to comprehensive and real-time information. With vast amounts of data at their disposal, businesses can analyze trends, patterns, and correlations that were previously hidden or overlooked. This data-driven approach allows for more accurate and objective decisions, reducing reliance on intuition or guesswork. 

For example, say you're running ads across Google, Facebook and Instagram. Throughout the campaign, big data tools can monitor the performance of the ads in real-time. If certain ads are underperforming, you can promptly make adjustments, such as pausing low-performing ads, reallocating budget to high-performing ones, or tweaking ad creatives based on real-time feedback.


Detection of errors and fraud: Detection of errors and fraud is a critical advantage of leveraging big data, particularly through the use of AI and machine learning technologies. These advanced tools can analyze vast datasets in real-time to identify anomalies or irregular transaction patterns that may indicate fraudulent behavior or errors. By continuously monitoring and analyzing data, AI algorithms can flag suspicious activities that might go unnoticed by traditional methods. In the retail industry for example, big data analytics can help detect inventory discrepancies and pricing errors. If there is a sudden spike in returns for a particular product, data analysis can discover whether this is due to a pricing error, a quality issue, or fraudulent return practices.


The cons of big data

It’s true that the advantages that big data has for companies globally are many. But there are also some prominent drawbacks, too.

Increased costs: Whilst big data can identify more efficient ways of doing business which saves companies money, it can also incur costs. Expenses related to bandwidth, implementing software, regular updates, maintenance, extra storage and training employees, hiring data scientists and/or outsourcing are just a few. Businesses need to weigh up if the benefits of utilizing big data are worth the increase in costs.  


Cultural change: Implementing big data initiatives often requires a significant cultural shift within an organization. Companies essentially have to become data-driven, which changes business strategies, reconfiguring budgets, and redesigning how customer experiences are analyzed. It’s crucial that employees across all levels adapt to new technologies, data analytics tools, and data-centric decision-making processes. Such a shift can encounter resistance from staff who are used to more traditional methods and may be skeptical of the change. Without these efforts, organizations may struggle to fully leverage the benefits of big data, ultimately hindering their ability to compete and innovate effectively.


Data quality: The usefulness of the analytical insights that a company draws totally depends on the quality of the information that is collected. Making decisions based on poor quality data can have negative and unpredictable consequences for businesses. By ‘poor quality data’ we mean data that is incomplete, in different formats or contains duplicates. Therefore, for big data to be of any real value, the information gathered must be relevant, accurate and reliable.

Security & privacy concerns: As organizations collect and store vast amounts of sensitive information, they become prime targets for cyberattacks. Alongside this, compliance with data protection regulations such as GDPR and CCPA adds an additional layer of responsibility for businesses to ensure the privacy of their customers' information. Failure to safeguard big data can result in severe legal consequences, financial losses, and damage to a company's reputation. 

In 2014, Yahoo experienced a massive data breach, which together compromised the personal information of over 3 billion user accounts. The stolen data included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords, and, in some cases, encrypted or unencrypted security questions and answers. As a result, Yahoo’s were forced to pay compensation to affected users, they faced multiple lawsuits and their purchase price reduced by $350 million when they were acquired by Verizon. This is just one example highlighting the importance of the critical need for strong cybersecurity protocols. 


Tools to manage your data

Big data can unlock unprecedented insights and drive informed decision-making across various industries. However, to harness the true potential of big data, businesses need robust data analytics platforms capable of handling these vast and fast-moving data streams. Leveraging the power of big data can be daunting, but with Hurree, analyzing data becomes both effective and efficient. 

Hurree’s analytics platform seamlessly integrates with your existing data sources, providing real-time insights and comprehensive dashboards that transform raw data into actionable insights. Whether you're tracking customer behavior, optimizing marketing campaigns, or monitoring financial performance, Hurree’s intuitive interface and powerful AI-analytics ensure that you can make data-driven decisions with confidence. Say goodbye to data silos and manual data processing - Hurree automates these tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic initiatives and drive your business forward.


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