Hurree's Marketing Blog

Top Tips for Helping You Create Awesome User Profiles

Written by Hannah Strain | Jun 27, 2017

Today’s profiles are a lot more than just statical forms containing your name and email address. For the user, it can feel that for every app they sign up to, the details they need to provide is like writing an autobiography. Therefore, it is important when creating an app to only ask for the essential information when they sign in. Let's not put them off as soon as they download the app.

Profiles are important as they make the assumption out of the mix. Never assume as we all know, when you assume something it can make an ass out of u and me (cringe-worthy… I know but it’s true).

Creating profiles can be time-consuming but boy the benefits are awesome. By constructing profiles, you can personalise your app and communication to match the user's preferences, so that they will only see or hear the information that they want.

By using these top tips you will not only create awesome user profiles, but you will produce profiles that will help inform your marketing strategy.


Top Tips Helping You Create Awesome User Profiles 

1. Import into CRM

CRM is not just for sales. You may be a spreadsheet fanatic but using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for User Profiling will make life so much easier for you. You will be collecting information from a variety of channels, therefore, having a CRM allows you to keep your data all in one place removing any risk of losing your own intelligence. Makes sense!

2. Use your Existing Users

Talk to your existing users! Your user is using your app and they will have an option on it. By talking to your existing users it can help inform what is working within your app and what they like but also what is not so you can continue to improve. This is an excellent first-hand insight that richly informs your user profiles. You will also be able to work out the why. 🔔 Ding Ding Ding 🔔 the keyword there was WHY if you missed it.
There might be a bug that has been missed, misleading wording or something that does not interest your users. By talking to your user you can identify issues and rectify them as well as confirm collected user profile data.

Talking to your users can also identify misleading behavioural in-app data. For example, a user could be going onto a page a lot by accident for a number of reasons which could include app layout, misleading page name or even a layout update without warning. This information is like gold dust and not to be ignored.

3. Keep Profiles up to date

Nobody likes to be sent a push notification regarding something that no longer interests them. That’s why keeping your user profiles up to date is a must! Communication with your users using out of date information can result in your time wasted making incorrect predictions about response rates as well as an annoyed user, turning off app notifications or even worse the dreaded delete.
4. Competitors

There is no point reinventing the wheel! Let's not beat around the bush here, everyone takes a sneak peek at their competitors. Frankly, it would be silly not to. Looking at your competitors can show you a gap that they have missed or simply show you best practices. This can be done very simply by searching for user profile examples or templates online. Why create something from scratch, if there is a perfectly acceptable template that you can personalise for your needs?


5. Dynamic Profiling

Use dynamic profiling! Creating user profiles can be very time consuming, therefore, using a marketing platform that allows dynamic profiling can really lighten the load. Dynamic profiling automatically builds the user profile as soon as the user opens your app. Dynamic profiling detects when changes are made in the app over time. By using dynamic profiling instead of inputting the information manually it reduces the chances of any incorrect information being added to the user profile. 

6. Use the data to your advantage

Don’t ignore the profiles! There is absolutely no point spending time creating these profiles if you’re going to let them sit in your CRM and gather dust (metaphorically of course). Use the profiles. You have invested time and effort into collecting the data so let them inform your app marketing strategies.

Profiles can allow you to add personalisation to your in-app messaging. 

It can also inform you on the best time to contact your users based on their in-app behavioural data or even by their location in the world! Profiles are a bank of information so be sure to use them!

Creating profiles can be time-consuming but if done right they can be a rich bank of information about your users. Therefore, using a marketing platform that allows dynamic profiling can allow you to focus on other things and be content that up to date information is being gathered for you automatically. This can take a huge load off your mind. Remember that your users don’t bite, so say Hi every so often and pick their brains to confirm data. You will find that most users will be happy to chat with you as long as you ask nicely.


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